It’s clear that the COVID-19 crisis is rising and, while we here at Metcalf Hodges are not panicking, we do want to be prepared and have a plan in place to minimize potential impacts to our clients and our team. Currently, we are sanitizing the office every night. The reception area and main conference rooms […]

Social Security Seminar
Join Metcalf Hodges, Northwestern Mutual, and PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center for an estate planning seminar Wednesday, February 24, 2016. Hear about a recent US Treasury Regulation that allows a deferral on a portion of required minimum distributions from your IRAs. Learn what you need to know about your Social Security benefit options. Learn how […]

2016 Key Employer Highlights
Each year, Metcalf Hodges creates an employer reference guide with regulatory source references and general employer guidance for federal and Washington state employer tax issues. If you are looking for current filing deadlines, electronic filing and deposit requirements or annual limitation amounts, this guide is for you. If you have a specific situation or have […]

IRS Raises Asset Expense Threshold
Businesses may now deduct up to $2500 in asset purchases under new IRS guidance. In 2013, the IRS issued final Treasury Regulations related to tangible property used in a taxpayer’s trade or business or investment activity. The regulations took effect January 1, 2014 and were intended to clarify the rules related to capitalizing assets for depreciation […]

Stretch IRA benefits with a CRUT
LEAVE MORE TO YOUR HEIRS & BENEFIT YOUR FAVORITE CHARITY WITH A CRUT Currently, when someone leaves an IRA account to a non-spouse beneficiary, the beneficiary is required to take out required minimum distributions (RMDs) that are based on the beneficiary’s life expectancy. There is political pressure in Washington DC to limit RMDs for non-spousal […]
Metcalf Hodges Ski to Sea Team
The Metcalf Hodges team is preparing for another exciting Memorial Day weekend by participating in “America’s Adventure Race” – Ski to Sea. 2015 will be Metcalf’s third year participating in the outdoor adventure race recruiting a combination of employees, spouses, and friends to race the ~100 mile course from Mt. Baker to Bellingham Bay. […]

Annual Meeting Requirement for Corporations, Partnerships and LLCs
As a corporation or LLC, you are required to hold and document annual meetings. Your business attorney should have mentioned this to you at the time you formed the Company. The attorney may even send you an annual reminder or a disclaimer to sign each year. In an audit, usually the second document an IRS […]

2015 Key Employer Highlights
Each year, Metcalf Hodges creates an employer reference guide with regulatory source references and general employer guidance for federal and Washington state employer tax issues. If you are looking for current filing deadlines, electronic filing and deposit requirements or annual limitation amounts, this guide is for you. If you have a specific situation or have […]